IMPORTANT: You are submitting an application to establish business with U.S. Venture, Inc. (“U.S. Venture” or “we” or “us”).
In order for you to do so, we describe below certain legal rights and responsibilities. Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
Consent to e-delivery:
Access to online documents:
Duration of e-consent:
This election and consent applies only to the documents required to apply for business. To apply for business with U.S. Venture using an e-signature, you must consent by clicking "Sign & Submit" below. By clicking “Sign & Submit,” you consent to receiving the following documents electronically and acknowledge having reviewed, printed, or otherwise received them. If you do not click "Sign & Submit," you cannot apply for business using an e-signature but may download or request paper copies of all documents and apply by fax or mail.